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Friends of Blessed
Mother Catherine
The "Friends of Blessed Mother Catherine" are lay people, men and women, individuals and families, whom the Spirit calls to live the Gospel according to the charism-spirituality of Blessed Mother Catherine Troiani and to realize it, in the lay state and in the concrete situation of life, together with our religious family.
The Friends of Mother Catherine live their spirituality through prayer and works, characterized by the missionary, Franciscan and Caterinian spirit: in the family, contributing to the human and Christian growth of all its members; in the living and working environment, entering the social fabric with coherence of life, 'struggling' to make it more compliant with the evangelical values of justice, peace, freedom, fraternity; in pastoral realities, inserting oneself in catechesis, in the animation of Christian groups, in voluntary work, in educational communities.
The Friends of Mother Catherine, in order to better respond to the personal call to holiness and mission, undertake to promote their own spiritual and apostolic formation, supported and animated by us Franciscan sisters, daughters of Mother M. Catherine.
The Friends of Friends of Blessed Mother Catherine meets once a month. If you are interested in joining, please fill out the form below.
*We usually meet the Third Sunday of each month at 1:30 pm, unless otherwise indicated
SEPTEMBER: Thursday ,9/14 at 4:00 pm Mass for the Beginning of our Institute in 1859, Feast of the Triumph of the Cross
Sunday, 9/10 at 1:30 p.m. Regular Meeting
OCTOBER: Tuesday, 10/3 at 4:00 pm Transitus of St. Francis, Wednesday, 10/4 at 4:00 pm Mass Feast of St. Francis
and Sunday, 10/15 at 1:30 p.m. Regular Meeting
NOVEMBER: Sunday, 11/19 at 1:30 pm Regular meeting/preparations for Advent
DECEMBER: Sunday, 12/17 at 1:30 pm Christmas party!
JANUARY: Sunday, 1/21/24 at 1:30 pm Regular Meeting
FEBRUARY: Saturday, 2/24/24 (Lenten Retreat Day with Mass)
MARCH: Sunday, 3/10/24 at 1:30 p.m. Regular Meeting
APRIL: Sunday, 4/21 at 1:30 p.m. Regular Meeting
MAY: Sunday, 5/5/24 at 1:30 pm Mass and luncheon to celebrate Feast Day of Bl. M. Catherine
Monday, 5/6/24 at 4:00 p.m. (Transitus of Bl. M. Catherine) Saturday: 5/6/24 (Feast Day of Bl. M. Catherine!)
JUNE: Sunday, 6/16/24 at 1:30 pm Regular meeting (Last meeting before summer!)
Saturday, 6/8/24 at Mass (Our Feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary)