Prayer for Canonization
Holy Trinity Source of holiness and of every perfect gift, We thank you for the incommensurate love you always spread on all of your creatures, With burning faith we ask you the grace Blessed M. Caterina Troiani to be included among the Saints, As a crucified bride, a missionary between the overseas people, Within her earthly existence, she followed the crucified Christ's footsteps She did all she could for the little ones, the latest, the despised and for poor people We entrust our ardent prayer to the immaculate heart of Mary, And we certainly know that She will grant it. Glory on to thee, Holy Trinity. Amen.
Please report the graces received through M. Caterina’s intercession to:
Superiora generale
Francescane Missionarie del C.I.M.
Via C. Troiani, 90
00144 ROMA