The star that led the Magi on their journey towards the marvelous encounter with the Word of God made flesh...
led the community of Seven Churches to meet the flesh of the Spello sisters. Sisters loved and guarded in the gratuitousness of everyday life, inhabited by the grace of God that knows neither boundaries nor measures. The joy of each sister was truly edifying; joy that we perceived in the warm welcome, in the Christmas preparation of the environments, in the availability of the laity who collaborate with them. Thank you sisters because you have given us the certainty that nothing can separate us from the love of Christ; even in the suffering and fatigue of the journey we can continue to testify that only Love is credible.
We can now exclaim: today is Christmas.
Source: www.francescanedegitto.org/en/archivio-news-meu-en/item/284-un-natale-speciale