Blessed M.Catherine Feast Day

Friday, May 5, in our chapel in Glasboro, we celebrated the Transitus, or passing of, Blessed M.Catherine to eternal life with her beloved Spouse, Jesus. 

It was a simple and short liturgy, dense with spiritual meaning. Some friends of the BCT group joined us. 

On Saturday,  May 6, her Feast Day, we celebrated Mass together at 1: 30 pm. The presider was Fr. Terry O'Dien. There were around 12 friends of BCT present. Afterwards we shared a light luncheon and fellowship together. All was to celebrate the  holy and courageous life of our foundress, Blessed M. Catherine.

We, her daughters, are proud to carry on her example here in the US in our small fraternity. 


Official Canonical visit of our Vicar General


Lenten Retreat Day Photos